The Stern Gang :)
While you're at it, I'm happy that Ezzie "introduced" me to SJ so that I can introduce her to you. She seems to be a student at an unidentified college in New York City, and she and Chana recently spent a Shabbat at the Serandez home.
I would call Fudge the elder stateswoman of this group, were it not for a recent post of hers. Speaking as someone who's always considered herself immature for her age, I found it quite interesting to read about the challenges that come with the opposite experience. It isn't every day that one finds oneself a guest at a Bat Mitzvah celebration at which one is one year younger than, and two grades ahead of, the Bat Mitzvah girl.
But don't go away thinking that Fudge writes only serious stuff, or you'll be missing half the fun. Stick around long enough to read about why she describes herself as "pronuclear." Then, of course, there's her recent post about the joys of dorm life. Oy.
Chana & SJ are great. Now if only we could get Fudge here...
Just don't ask her to get her grandmother to drive her. :) :) :)
(Folks, if you don't get the joke, go read her posts!)
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